4 Ways to Fish: Try Them All

Sport fishermen everywhere are always looking for the next big catch. Whether you’ve been fishing for just a few months or your whole life, it’s all worth it after you land a big fish, no matter where you choose to fish. But as you travel around and fish more places you may be interested in trying new ways to fish that you aren’t use to in your pond back home.


Spearfishing may not be for everyone but it certainly is exciting. Spearfishing is typically done in coral reefs in the ocean. It would be very difficult to do in murky waters with low visibility. To spear fish you must dive down to the coral reefs and spear the fish with a long spear. This may take some practice and some swimming skills but if you ever have the chance it would be worth a shot.

Bow fishing

Another unusual way to fish requires a bow and arrow.  A reel is attached to the bow the fishing line is attached to the arrow. Generally, you bow fish at night with the use of a spotlight. The spotlight shines across the water and will show you where the fish are. It takes some bow skills but catching a fish this way is a catch you will never forget.

Deep Sea Fishing

Next time you are at the beach don’t miss you chance to charter a deep sea fishing trip. Taking a boat a few kilometres out to sea gives you the chance to catch a wide array of different fish. Most charter boats will have their own rods. You will need much stronger rods to deal with the larger fish you catch in deep waters.

Fly Fishing

Fly fishing is typically done in fresh water. The method of casting your lure out on the water and then drawing it back gives fly fishing its distinct look. Much of the equipment and tackle needed to fly fish differs from standard fishing rods in many ways. Many buy fishing gear online to get anything they need for all types of fishing styles.

No matter your favourite way to fish, there is always something new to explore in the wide world of fishing. Whether you are out fly fishing for salmon in Alaska or 10 miles east of Australia trying to catch for deep sea fish, trying new ways to fish is a great way to strengthen your passion for the outdoor sport.