Tips for Picking the Right Bean Bag Chairs

The modern interior is challenging to imagine without bean bag chairs. The large bean bag chairs haven’t only conquered the interior space but the public and outdoor spaces as well. There is a huge trend to buy this upholstered furniture equally for home, office, and commercial setups. The combination of comfort, convenience, and unique design have made large bean bag chairs a must-have mobile furniture today. It has been observed that people make mistakes while shopping and choosing a bean bag chair.

Dual bags

Buyers are often found to select bean bag chairs based on their emotions rather than knowledge. A potential buyer must know that high-quality bean bag chairs consist of two bags, one inside and the second an outside bag. In case, the outside bag is damaged or torn due to regular wear and tear, the fillings or beans start coming out and make the bean bag chair non-functional. Thus, choosing the bean bag chair that features two bags is highly recommended so that spilling accidents can be avoided and durability lasts longer.

Bean bag shape

When buyers plan to buy oversized bean bag chairs, the size and shape get the most attention. Experts opine that depending on the user’s needs, the bean bags’ shape should be chosen. One can come across several shapes of bean bags organized on store shelves. Though modern bean bag chairs are L-shaped, lounge-style, arm-chair-shaped, and sofa-style, the pear-shaped large bean bag chairs seem to be ruling the list. This is mainly because pear-shaped bean bags are easier and more convenient to carry from one place. Choosing the size and shape is determined by the needs and demands. One can also get customized per the décor theme of the living room, bedroom, and other locations.


Functionality is one of the essential aspects that can’t be ignored when picking a good-quality bean bag chair. Based on the usage, one has to pay attention to whether waterproof fabrics should be used or not. For example, if a potential buyer intends to use the bean bag chair near the swimming pool, outside, or near the sea, a waterproof upholstery bean bag is the only viable option. One must also seek the designers’ advice and ensure not to overfill such spaces with too many bean bag chairs. There are multifunctional bean bags that can be used for sitting and utilize a table on the top, similar to a pallet.


Choosing the right bean bag chair is one of the most challenging decisions. Apart from those mentioned above, potential buyers must also evaluate the manufacturer before purchasing large bean bag chairs. The warranty period, coverage, and other details must be investigated. High-quality bean bag chairs might be more expensive, but they are worth the investment. Cheap bean bag chairs are vulnerable to zipper breakage, leaking fills and beans, and other issues.